If you have participated in the 2017 Shop Hop ( March 29- April 1st 2017) then you received a free pattern from us to complete this block. Here is some additional pattern support!
Pair up your largest (5.375")yellow square with one of the same sized pink ones and draw a diagonal line from corner to corner:
Sew on both sides of the drawn diagonal line with a 1/4" seam:
Cut your squares apart on the drawn diagonal line to reveal 2 Half Square Triangles (HST) these are your set AB HST's. Press seam towards the pink
Repeat this process the second large pink square and a square of the focal fabric.
Draw your diagonal, sew on both sides of the line, cut apart, press towards the pink and reveal your second set of HST AC:
Top set AC/Bottom set AB
Next you will take one square from each set, pair them right sides together keeping sewn lines together and since you pressed towards the pink you can "nest the seams" in this arrangement:
Note you draw the diagonal line perpendicular to the previously sewn line and when you peek at it from the side a pink will appear on each side forming and X or a quarter square triangle (QST)
Sew on both sides of your drawn diagonal again right across your seam from the previous steps! Then cut them apart on the drawn line to reveal:
Your multicolor Quarter Square rectangle pieces! I press this seam open to ease the bulk and you can trim your dog ears at this point if you wish. These pieces should measure 4.5" at this point
Next we will illustrate how to construct the corner pieces:
Pair your smaller (5" ) squares of yellow and a focal fabric, draw your diagonal as before and sew as before on either side of the line, cut on the line and repeat with the second set.
You should now have 4 HST with the yellow and focal print:
Press towards the focal print:
Now you will place a 2" yellow square on each focal corner fabric as shown and draw a diagonal line parallel to the sewn line:
NOTE this time you will SEW ON THE DRAWN LINE!! and then fold back the triangle flap to reveal your corner pieces, you may trim the corner focal fabric away if you wish , just be careful not to cut your yellow!
These completed pieces should measure 4.5".
Assemble your elements as shown in one of these arrangements:
It gives the block a slightly different look depending on which way you choose to place the corners.
Sew the three rows together and if you press the outside column seams outward and the middle column inward the seams will nest with reduced bulk.
Sew these last two seams to reveal your completed block!
Two different looks!
And here is our completed quilt! Kits are available if you would like to make all your shop hop blocks and put them in this arrangement!
(Furry friend and helpful teenage son are not included :-)
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