Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bunch of new items

FIRST, the mechanical seam rippers are in so get them while they are hot. If you have not yet heard of these little gems stop in and let us introduce them to you! They are a paper piecers best friend as they allow you to "reverse sew" with out ruining your paper pattern! Your family will all be impressed at your mastery of this new power tool!
Is this not THE cutest ruler you have ever seen? The little hearts are grippy to steady your fabric as you cut for more accurate cutting!
 Velvety rick rack in blue and off white!

 New patterns with Cat/vegetable themes:
 And new BJ designs patterns for the Machine applique-ers : 

 New Quilt pattern from Bunny Hill Designs utilizing yo-yos and piecing 


  1. That ruler is cute.
    Also Also wanted to let you know that I'm getting ready to post a blog where I have awarded your blog the Liebster Blog Award! The award button can be retrieved from my blog so that you can proudly display it!
    My wish is the award will help to grow your following.

  2. Love the new BJ design patterns! Can't wait to try one of them.
