As the year comes to a close, we wanted to update everyone on the shop.

We will very soon be switching to a new system at the shop that will allow our customers to see our products online. We understand that shopping online makes decision making at the shop easier when project planning. We hope that this encourages you to stop in more and that it is a helpful tool in your quilting.
With this new system comes a brand new look for our website, we are very excited to have a more professional look. It comes with handy extras like the ability to sign up for classes online, text reminders and more.

We will still offer our rewards program and a guild discount (for those who present a guild membership card), but the new system will also give us freedom to offer a birthday club, coupons and more. We ask for a little patience as we make the transition but think it will be well worth it!

Our winter open house will be on Saturday, Feb 3rd 2018 from 10am-4pm.
Fingers crossed that no hurricanes or other natural disasters occur to prevent our event from happening (again!).
As we get closer to Open House we will be revealing new classes and new dates.
Holiday Hours:
We will be closed December 24 through the 26 and will reopen at 10am on December 27!
We will be closed December 31st and January 1st. We will see you in the New Year on January 2nd at 10am!
Wishing you all a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year!