Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring has Sprung!

First, thank you to Deb, Jody and Kelly for being the first ones to turn in tote bags for the tote bag swap! You all have one month to turn yours in to participate!
( See the March 4th blog post for more details.)
 Apparently the batiks have finally made it to our distributors and are starting to trickle in to the shop - batiks production is dependent on the monsoon season in Southeast Asia and the weather wasn't very cooperative so they were delayed- we think they were worth the wait though!
 Bright blues!

Also we seem to get a lot of requests for Bee fabric- lots of sewing bee participants like to make gifts for each other or for retreats so we are always on the hunt for cute bee fabric this one is new:
Edyta Sitar has a new line out called Paintbox we have the prints and batiks in some precuts!
 Thanks to Nancy and Dolores for making our two newest 
Patch Abilities samples- 
Kits are available for each of these:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Something different

We know that we are sort of known for having *bright* colors at Quilters Crossing but we have a softer side too.... 
 These lovely Gossamer Wings prints  were soft and pretty from the feathers to the roses...

 And it even has a hummingbird panel!

KId stuff

Undersea Adventures from Northcott featuring coordinates from Stonehenge!

 Some cute owls and zig-zags!
Thanks to Angie, we have a sample of our dinosaur kits from the Dino Roars fabric line!
2 kits are left!
 She even had some to make a pillow case for it too!
 And Nancy was inspired and created her own little quilt out of this fabric line:
Everyone loves the plaid from this line! So cute!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Oink a Doodle Moo!

Okay so this fabric even has a fun name and to hear our Moda rep (a fairly serious gentleman) say it when he showed it to us was priceless! But in all seriousness it is a cute fabric line: 
We have charms and layer cakes:
A six critter panel:
And coordinates as well:
 Cow spots and chicken wire:

cute, cute, cute!

New Patterns from Jaybird Quilts!

Check out this awesome sampler quilt with Triangular "blocks"! 
 As always her patterns often use precuts and clever Creative Grids rulers.
 Colorful fun and easy

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Craftsy and Quilters Crossing read on...

Have you heard about
 It's a website that has all sorts of craft classes that you can take online.  It is really well thought out with question and answer forums, supply lists, pages of other students projects and samples and more!  Now you don't have to travel to get top notch instruction from world renowned quilters and other artisans! 
You can take classes in your pj's and fuzzy socks!
AND you can watch your lessons over and over once you have paid for the class. 
We recently connected the shop with craftsy!  
If you go to our website here and click on the little craftsy logo (like the one pictured above) on the bottom right of the shop home page--it takes you to! 
It will walk you through registering for a craftsy account and when you purchase a class you will receive a coupon emailed to you for $5 off at OUR SHOP from! 
Deb and I have already enrolled in a couple of great machine quilting classes taught by Angela Walters. She had a free pattern to make with the class, downloadable pages to practice drawing quilting designs etc... 
Speaking of Angela Walters... she has her first fabric line out called Textures from Art Gallery fabrics that we just received in the shop:
Above is the panel, it is a modern design and made to give the quilters lots of fun places to practice quilting fillers. It goes really nicely with her classes on too!
Below are the coordinates to the panel: 
 Gray is a really hot color right now...
Dots are timeless.... Love the cool Jadite green polka dots above!
So be sure to try a class through the link on our website to get your coupon for our shop!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Patchabilities kits

We are kitting up some Patchabilities patterns in the shop. 
These tiny quilts are "one nighters" making them great gifts or just a fun project to spruce up your home for under $20!
These are two of the kits we have ready in the shop now:
 Thanks Kathy for making the "God Bless America" sample for us!

New fabrics!

New Americana fabrics
This beautiful panel has a flag on one side:
And these pretty stars on the other: it's like a quilt waiting to happen
Check out the coordinates:
Here is the rest of our patriotic fabrics:

And we got this adorable animal fabric to add to the juvenile collections:
And Keep it Sassy charm squares:
And PB&J precuts: with the bolts on the way soon!

Customer finishes!

These ladies met today to finish their quilts. 
All were enrolled in Patsy's "Beginner 9 patch" class today! 
Great job ladies!
 Mary Ann brought in this flannel quilt she whipped up out of our juvenile flannel collection. So adorable!

Monday, March 4, 2013

New Swap!

There is a big push to be more "green" and we have many customers refuse our paper bags at the shop because they are accustomed to bringing their own bags to accommodate their purchases. Also, our bag classes are generally very popular at the shop --So... we thought why not swap bags? 

First keep in mind we don't mean purses and we don't mean bags designed to hold certain things like a laptops, Kindles or smart phones. We mean just a nice general bag- think tote bag or carry-all bag. Something with a wide opening top (with our without a closure) that you can load up with purchases, projects, toys, snacks, etc... And that you can wear over your shoulder!
Such as the Saturday Market Bag:
 Birdie Sling:
Large or Small Empress tote:
There are several other patterns at the shop that would be just the ticket as well (Mondo or Midi bag, Tuscany Tote are a few that come to mind) -- or explore the internet for free tutorials here are a few I found:
DIY Bag Lover Index ( note not all the bags on this link meet our needs but there are many that do)

Please turn in a bag (or bags) you made and wish to swap by:
April 30th, 2013 
at the shop with your name attached in some way (so that we can be sure you won't get your own bag back) and perhaps the name of the pattern you used or a tutorial that you followed. 

You may pick up your new bag starting :May 1st 

 You may mail your entry(entries) to us but you must pick your new bag up in person we will not mail it to you.
Remember, as with all swaps please give the quality you would like to receive! 
Reminder: You will not be getting your own bag back this is a swap!
To sweeten the deal each swapped bag earns an entry in a drawing for a $25 gift card to the shop. 
We can't wait to see what you make!